Write For Us

Thank you for being here and showing your interests in EduIslam. 

We, at EduIslam welcome the intellect like you and help you to connect with the masses via this platform. Yes, together we can bring the revolution, we are dreamt of. 

Talent Hunt!

1. We are looking for hard hitting orginal writeups, 
Creative insights, Thoughts taken from the Scholars, bloggers, websites, and some deep insight, English translations of classical arabic texts, inviting people to reflect, heal and reconnect.

2. We want to hear from you on any aspects of Islam you are passionate about or expertise in. It must be precise resourceful Intelligent thought of research thru authentic narrative, clear,concise & motivate the reader to instill conviction of that subject. Must bring attention to issues barged on us by others focusing on what you are specialized in.

3. EduIslam main motive is that we understand the problems & complexities of modern world and deal with them in proactive and realistic manner as we know Islam is not a Euthopic theoretical fantasy but to be realistic while remaining faithful to our beliefs & authentic traditions.

To be focused on this for females:

4. We are looking for our women section who are fully cognizant of both the studies of Islamic seminary and western academia without being pigeonholed in one. 

Should be faithful to balance the interaction with other gender obviously online, who defend their rights of their own in public platform, their dress code, involve in public speaking carving a niche.

5. Since Dec, 2013 EDUISLAM - as a nonprofit research Initiatives,motivate to remain faithful to our beliefs and understand the problems & complexities of modern world and deal with them in proactive and realistic manner as we know Islam is not a Ethiopic theoretical fantasy but to be realistic while remaining faithful to our authentic traditions. 

Helps us to flourish and reclaim our lost narrative as a community.